Privacy Policy


We Ojasvin Cure Root welcomes you on this page of our website which will help you in understanding the privacy policy of our company. This page will provide the information to all our website visitors about our policies with regard to collection, use and disclosure of personal information if anyone has decided to use our services,


The information we collect by our user is collected to provide different services for which we are known in market to our customers. The company collects information from their clients on number of occasions as mentioned below;

  • When you login into our website, you provide us your contact details and profile data to keep you update about our newsletter, product information, customer profile generation, changes in companies policy.


We want to inform that whenever you will visit our website we collects the information send to us by your browser which may includes your Location, IP address, browser version, pages of our websites that you visit along with time and date of your visit.


The information provided by the customers will be used for the following purposes.

  • To personalize your experience on our website by providing and advertising about the services we are offering to our customers.

  • To convey with our clients regarding their accounts on our website, any of their transactions, queries or issues with regard to our website or services that we are providing.

  • To communicate any update in the privacy policy of our website

  • The information will be collected to contact and identify you.

  • To keep a regular check on any fraud or illegal activities on our website.



In certain circumstances Ojasvin Cure Root may share the personal sensitive information to any third party or any service provider without obtaining any prior consent from the user as mentioned below;

  • Whenever it is requested or required by law, by any court, by any governmental agency or any other authority to disclose for the purpose of verification of identity of an individual.

  • When it is required for the prevention, detection, investigation, or for prosecution and punishment of offences. These disclosures are made in good faith and belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for enforcing these Terms and Conditions; for complying with the applicable laws and regulations.

  • Ojasvin Cure Root may share such information within its group companies and officers and employees of our group companies for the purpose related to the service being provided.

We Ojasvin Cure Root ensures to our customers that these information will only be share with the other recipients when they will agree to use this information based on our instructions and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. Otherwise the company will share any information with your explicit consent.


As we all know in this dynamic world change is the only constant. To meet any requirements of our clients if in future any necessary change will be required in this policy it will be done accordingly. If we make any change in our policy users will be updated regarding that from the same page of our website. Users can’t claim company for any changes in the company policies or content of the website which they have matched from the prior changes.


The company may use Cookies on its website page to improve its understanding with its customers. The company will have no other way to recognize or identify you unless you voluntarily allow us to do so despite of assigning a cookie to your computer. Only the information you will provide us voluntarily will be accessible. All the data accessed by the user will be handled securely.


If in case you have any query or suggestion for us regarding services we are providing or if you wish to make any complaint or to help us in improving ourselves by providing us a valuable feedback you are welcomed by the group and you can contact us for that at
